About VillaKey

Home | About VillaKey

As a family-run business, vacation homes have been a big part of our lives starting in 1985, when we bought our first vacation rental property. Ever since then, we have always chosen to spend our vacations in homes over hotels. We are thrilled to bring you this selection of Disney-area homes we have picked just for you.

This means we also understand what families need! You’ll have that special place to bond as a family, with plenty of room to spread out and relax on your own. And you won’t break the bank!

While we cater to all types of families and travelers, our team also feels strongly about its social responsibility as a vacation rental company. We make an extra effort to help families living with autism find their perfect vacation home, and provide special tools to help them prepare for their trip.. “Time together. A place for all.”

Happy vacationing!

Ray, Max and Alice

The Villakey Executive Team

Villakey Team Member Alice

Alice Horn


“In a family business you get to do what you love — with the people you love.”

Max Princiotta

Vice President, IT and Revenue

“I want to travel the world! Especially if I can visit a Disney park while I’m there.”

Villakey Team Member Fran

Fran Castro

Owner Ambassador

“To travel is to live.”

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